I have been riding quite a bit this year in the first couple months, and have managed to stay off the rollers for a good amount of it. Temps have been warm enough to allow me to be able to ride outside quite often on the weekends which has been really nice, and makes me want to ride more then just sitting there aimlessly pedaling in the same spot.
I did start off with doing about 6 weeks of low effort rides, some longer then others, so not a total base workout, but no real intensity, so hopefully I will not burnout mid-season like last year, that was a huge blow to my motivation.
I did go and get a fitting done for my road bike 3 weeks ago at Geoff's Bike and Ski and that has made a huge difference in my comfort on the bike. I can go for longer periods of time without the feeling of constantly adjusting my position on the saddle so I can go further. I am going back in tomorrow morning to have Kevin check on a few minor things with the fit, but that is the great thing about having them so close is I can go back and have him make these tweeks. So after that I will be riding back home from there, should make about a 50 mile ride out of it.
Today I went out in search of hills as part of my training to get ready for the Decorah MTB TT coming up in April. I have never ridden up there, but hear the climbing is pretty brutal so I want to be ready for it. Ended up finding 1660 feet of climbing in 28 miles that I can hit from my house, so I will be incorporating that into my usual training once a week.
Video from today's ride here
And the power profile
So far so good, hope the rest of my March goes good, first race is April 11th Sylvan Island Stampede in the Quad Cities.